We ship worldwide with DHL and DHL Express

Estimated delivery times* for DHL:

DE 1-2 day(s)
EU 2-5 days
UK 4-6 days
US 8-12 days

Estimated delivery times* for DHL Express:

DE 1 day
EU 1-2 day(s)
Worldwide 1-3 day(s)

*These are business days. Please keep in mind that these are estimated durations. Fluctuation may occur due to holidays and strikes. In some rare occasions, overseas shipments take more time than expected due to destination country regulations. In such cases please keep calm and wait. You can always contact our support team for further investigations.  

Tracking numbers:

DHL and DHL provide tracking number after the shipment, They are contained in your shipping notice. You can track your package here: DHL tracking


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